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z 7º ano Minicurso Grátis

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  1. Ciências 7º ano
    3 Topics
    3 Testes
  2. Geografia 7º ano
    3 Topics
    3 Testes
  3. História 7º ano
    3 Topics
    3 Testes
  4. Língua Inglesa 7º ano
    3 Topics
    3 Testes
  5. Língua Portuguesa 7º ano
    3 Topics
    3 Testes
  6. Matemática 7º ano
    3 Topics
    3 Testes
Lesson 4, Topic 1
Em andamento

Aula 1- Verb contractions, personal pronouns, simple present/ present continuous, conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions.

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Module 1 – Seventh grade (7th grade) – Lesson 1

Debates: verb contractions, personal pronouns, simple present/ present continuous, conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions.

Hello, students!! How are you?

Nesta aula, faremos um apanhado geral dos usos e da estrutura do Simple Present e do Present Continuous em inglês e veremos o uso de contrações verbais (verb contractions), personal pronouns (pronomes pessoais – subject pronouns), conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions.

Let’s go, everybody!!

Let’s take a look at some contractions in English (verb contractions):


So, remember:

Simple Present – Other verbs (With the auxiliary verbs “DO” and “DOES”)

Snack Learning

Periods of the Day and Prepositions
in the morning                in the evening
in the afternoon              at night
Adverbs of Frequency: are used to say how frequently we do things or how frequently they happen.   Always (sempre): I always play sports. Usually (geralmente): I usually play the guitar. Often (frequentemente): They often play video games. Sometimes (às vezes): I sometimes take a good picture. Never (nunca): We never win a tennis match.

Read the dialogue below: