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Inglês 7º ano
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Módulo I- Grammar and Conversation.8 Tópicos|8 Testes
Aula 1- Verb contractions, personal pronouns, simple present/ present continuous, conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions.
Aula II- Giving/ understanding directions: cooking recipes
Aula III- Adjectives to describe: people appearance and behavior; things, places.
Aula IV- Conversation: there is/ there are- interrogative, negative and affirmative forms; past simple; what, where, who, how.
Aula V- Reading Prefixos e sufixos.
Aula VI- Reading- Palavras- chave em textos informativos
Aula VII- Writing nota ( de jornal)/ biografia: grammar
Aula VIII- Ordering food and drink: vocabulary for food, drink and restaurants.
Aula 1- Verb contractions, personal pronouns, simple present/ present continuous, conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions.
Módulo II- Giving and Understanding8 Tópicos|8 Testes
Aula I- Letra de música ( lyrics)/ Filme: adverbs; indefinite pronouns ( some, any, no); affirmative, interrogative and negative verbs.
Aula II- Regras de jogo/ regras de convivência/ diálogo: directions ( giving and understanding)
Aula III- Writing uso de formas contraídas de verbos.
Aula IV- Writing emprego de gírias.
Aula V- Writing emprego de expressões cotidianas.
Aula VI- Anúncio/ artigo informativo/ cartaz: word order and compounds.
Aula VII- Cartoon/ mapa/ tabela: indefinite pronouns; prepositions of place and movement; where/ how/ what/ which; verbs: be, have.
Aula VIII- Writing: greting card, carta, e-mail, diálogo, pronomes, substantivos, verbos ( Present, Past and Future tenses), adjetivos, textos formais e informais.
Aula I- Letra de música ( lyrics)/ Filme: adverbs; indefinite pronouns ( some, any, no); affirmative, interrogative and negative verbs.
Módulo III- Writing and Vocabulary.9 Tópicos|9 Testes
Aula I- Pronúncia dos fonemas ch e sh
Aula II- Oral Production Present Continuous
Aula III- Adverbs ( time and manner): ordem dos adjetivos na frase
Aula IV- Writing Present Continuous
Aula V- Writing Conjunctions
Aula VI- Prepositions: place, movement, time
Aula VII- Vocabulary for talking about everyday life.
Aula VIII- Modais: Can, may, should.
Aula IX- Conjunctions: but, and, although, because, unless
Aula I- Pronúncia dos fonemas ch e sh
Módulo IV- Reading and Grammar10 Tópicos|10 Testes
Aula I- Comandos/ Instruções orais: verbos de ação; imperative form; an/ could, should.
Aula II- Future tenses: future with will, going to, Wh- questions
Aula III- Writing Pronomes de tratamento
Aula IV- Writing Modalizadores
Aula V- Reading verbos e locuções: ação.
Aula VI- Modal Verbs: can/ can't
Aula VII- Request and offers.
Aula VIII- Simple Past: affirmative, interrogative and negative forms.
Aula IX: To do, have, be
Aula X- Can and can't.
Aula I- Comandos/ Instruções orais: verbos de ação; imperative form; an/ could, should.
Lição 1,
Tópico 8
Em andamento
Aula VIII- Ordering food and drink: vocabulary for food, drink and restaurants.
Simone Ivane Santana 07/09/2021
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Module 1 – Seventh grade (7th grade) – Lesson 8
Ordering food and drink: vocabulary for food, drinks and restaurants

Nesta aula, vocês aprenderão a como pedir um prato em um restaurante e ampliaremos o vocabulário sobre comida, bebidas, entre outros elementos.
Let’s go, everyone!!
Module 1 – Seventh grade (7th grade) – Lesson 8
Ordering food and drink: vocabulary for food, drinks and restaurants
Ordering food

Drinks and Beverages
