Inglês 8º ano
Módulo I- Formal and Informal Language.11 Tópicos|11 Testes
Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers.
Aula II- Conversational turn, punctuation that indicates intonation at: questions/ answers, rules and instructions, conversation, interviews.
Aula III- Wh words.
Aula IV- Verbos ( Imperativo)
Aula V- Listening verbos auxiliares.
Aula VI- Conjunctions: but, because, if, or, and
Aula VII- Some, any, no
Aula VIII- Pronouns: possessive, demonstrative, personal
Aula IX- Sketch / podcast: question words
Aula X- Linguistic variation: morphosyntax, slangs, contractions; aim / goal; synonym / antonym; hypernym / hyponym, paronym
Aula XI- Tempos verbais: Infinitive, present continuous, participle, present perfect
Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers.
Módulo II- Formal vs Informal Language.9 Tópicos|9 Testes
Aula I- Linking words: because, when, until, where, although, but
Aula II- Adverbs
Aula III- Verbs: present, past, future
Aula IV- Demonstrative pronouns
Aula V- Time expressions
Aula VI- Pronúncia: g e j (/g / e /d /)
Aula VII- Uso dos tempos verbais: future with going to / will, present continuous for future e past continuous
Aula VIII- Reading Advérbios, locuções adverbiais e conectores
Aula IX- Formal vs Informal: adjetivos, substantivos, verbos, advérbios numerais e pronomes
Aula I- Linking words: because, when, until, where, although, but
Módulo III - Grammar and Vocabulary18 Tópicos|18 Testes
Aula I-Verb to be e genitive case
Aula II- Distinção entre vogais longas e curtas na língua inglesa
Aula III- Vocabulário: hábitos alimentares, exercícios, prática de esportes, saúde, etc
Aula IV- How: much, many, often
Aula V-Word order
Aula VI- Tag questions
Aula VII- Wh words
Aula VIII- Conjunções: oposição, adição, concessão, causa/explicação
Aula IX- Passive voice
Aula X- Modal verbs
Aula XI- Adverbs: time, manner, place
Aula XII- Comparativo e superlativo
Aula XIII- Reading: Adjetivos
Aula XIV- Reading Cognatos e falsos cognatos
Aula XV-Produção textual: Emprego de adjetivos, substantivos, verbos, advérbios numerais, conjunções e pronomes
Aula XVI- Verbos no passado: past simple, past continuous, present perfect
Aula XVII- Writing Adverbs: time, place, manner
Aula XVIII- Writing Sequenciadores
Aula I-Verb to be e genitive case
Módulo IV- Fables, Modal Verbs and Review of Verb Tenses.7 Tópicos|7 Testes
Aula I-Pronúncia: verbos regulares no Simple Past e Participle
Aula II-Polite request: Can / could
Aula III- Making suggestions: Let’s / should, what about, how about
Aula IV- Contos (short stories) / Fábulas: past simple, modals, conjunções, advérbios, pronome relativo, preposições
Aula V- Formas contraídas dos verbos: be, have
Aula VI- Modais: can, could, should, must
Aula VII- Reading Elipse verbal
Aula I-Pronúncia: verbos regulares no Simple Past e Participle
Aula I- Formal and informal language discourse markers.
Simone Ivane Santana 08/11/2021
Module 1- 8th grade_
Lesson I_Formal and Informal Language_Discourse markers

Discourse markers
(Marcadores discursivos)
Discourse markers are words and phrases used in speaking and writing to ‘signpost’ discourse.
Discourse markers do this by showing turns, joining ideas together, showing attitude, and
generally controlling communication. Some people regard discourse markers as a feature
of spoken language only.
Words like ‘actually’, ‘so’, ‘OK’, ‘right?’ and ‘anyway’ all function as discourse markers as they help the speaker to manage the conversation and mark when it changes.
In the classroom
Discourse markers are an important feature of both formal and informal native speaker language. The skilful use of discourse markers often indicates a higher level of fluency and an ability to produce and understand authentic language.
Some informal and spoken discourse markers and formal and written discourse markers
Discourse markers, or linking words, are words or expressions that link, manage and help to organise sentences. They don’t change the sentence meaning. Take a look at some examples:

More examples:

Happy Studying, everybody!!
A voz da pessoa está MUITO baixa. Interessante usar captação de áudio mais eficiente.